
Establishing a positive campus climate utilizing 护理 and empathy requires collective responsibility.

社区护理 is committed to supporting the overall wellbeing and academic success of students through CARE Services provided by 工作人员 that work to foster the development of problem-solving skills and practices to navigate challenges and encourage the promotion of wellness, 护理, 社区建设.

If this is an emergency that requires immediate attention – including imminent threat of harm to oneself or to others, call 911* or contact University Police at (323) 343-3700 or by dialing 911 from a campus phone.



社区护理 encourages a positive campus climate that promotes a sense of community and belonging among students, 教师, 和工作人员, 从而提高学习成绩和留校率. 创造促进包容性和多样性的空间, and that encourage interaction between different people with different experiences, 也有助于营造积极的校园氛围. 


CARE Services offers, thorough non-clinical interventions, referrals, advocacy, and follow-up. CARE services 工作人员 facilitates support in collaboration with other University departments, 教师, 工作人员, 社区机构, 支持者, 以及学生成功的利益相关者.


A central focus of 加州大学洛杉矶分校’s mission is to support students’ overall success, 幸福和更大的利益. 关怀服务的目的是通过以下方式支持大学的使命: 

  • Providing a safe space to refer students in need of support during times of distress. 

  • Acknowledging that difficult life experiences can happen and affect a student’s academic performance and overall wellbeing. 

  • Being a resource to new and continuing students that need help learning where to go, 联系谁, 如何根据查询访问某些服务. 

  • Utilizing interventions to promote a collective responsibility for our campus community. 


By responding to non-emergency concerns using a proactive and collaborative approach to support students in distress, 讨论潜在的问题, 早期干预, 并为被推荐的学生制定适当的行动方案. For more information and tips on how and when to refer a student, please review this guide.  

关怀服务人员回应 非紧急问题. If this is an emergency that requires immediate attention – including imminent threat of harm to oneself or to others, call 911 (from any phone) or contact University Police at (323) 343-3700. 拨打911后,我们鼓励您提交关怀服务推荐.  




If you observe and/or are made aware of student circumstances or behavior that leaves you feeling concerned, 担心, 和/或警告, 相信你的直觉,说点什么.



  • Writes about or verbally expresses threats of harm to oneself or others
  • Has experienced a sudden, severe drop in academic performance due to personal crisis
  • Experiences feelings of isolation, loneliness, or disconnection from peers
  • Appears to be going through family problems, relationship problems and/or a break-up
  • 经历失去所爱之人的痛苦
  • Reports feeling overwhelmed and/or uncomfortable transitioning to campus
  • Has directly shared with you that they are feeling anxious, stressed and/or depressed
  • Constantly asks for help with personal problems that are beyond the scope of your role and/or expertise level
  • May benefit from personalized outreach regarding resources available on campus

请注意,这不是一个包罗万象的清单. The goal is to support students who may be in distress and/or whose behavior is of concern to others before they rise to crisis levels. 

  • 学生 who have grievances about grades—students should be referred to the 职系上诉程序 通过他们的大学和本科学习
  • 对于过多的缺勤,你应该参考 第五章 的教员手册 旷课时间
  • 涉及直接违反《足彩外围网站》的事件 学生行为准则—i.e. plagiarism, cheating, or other violations within the 学生行为准则. 请提交学生行为报告. 学生行为办公室, 在审查了报告之后, will determine if 护理团队 services may also be necessary to help support a student with concerning behaviors.
  • Challenges, issues that fundamentally belong to the realm of classroom management. 教师应该直接和学生谈论他们所关心的问题, 应该和系主任商量一下, 副院长, 或适当部门人员进行指导.

  • Incoming reports are reviewed during regular business hours within one business day of submission. Reports will be triaged and responded to according to the level and severity of the concerns shared by the reporter.
  • Student outreach will occur within 24-72 hours to provide support and guidance and connect the student with helpful resources or resource persons.

  • 您将收到收到的护理报告的自动副本.


  • What a College Official sees, hears, experiences, or personally observes
  • When there is a credible threat to the health and/or safety of a student, 校园, 或者校园里的任何成员


  • A written or recorded source or it is subsequently memorialized in a written or recorded form
  • When there is written objection from the student specifying the information not be released
  • 学生' education records is strictly limited to the specific information and data that is relevant and necessary for those authorized individuals to perform their job-related duties